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Some puzzles can be solved in different ways, there are not so many I am aware of but anyway here are my findings:
How to talk down Stan:
The price for the ship can go up or down, depending on your dialog choices.
The ship is always worth 10000 pieces of eight, we just need to get it under 7000 to have a deal.
If you:
Refuse an extra = – 450 (6 times).
The first extra does not substract 450 so there are 6 extras left we dont need, so we can substract 2700 pieces of eight in total.
Go away:
You can walk away from Stan to lower the price:
1st time = – 1000
2nd time = – 500
3rd time = – 100
4th time = conversation ends
Make an offer
So if you go up an raise our offer this will substract 500
but if we go down this will add half the amount between the last two offers:
I.E. Offer 5000 then offer 2000 = + 1500
Offer 4000 then offer 2000 = + 1000
Offer 3000 then offer 2000 = + 500
So this is in my opinion the fastest way to get the Sea Monkey:
The first offer you make always substract nothing from the original price, but we have to start somewhere so lets go with 2000.
Now we can offer him 3000 (price = 9500), then 4000 (price = 9000), then 5000 (price = 8500), then we leave two times (price = 7000), then we offer 5000 again an voila its yours.
(Maybe refusing some extras would also work, but I cant skip dialog in the floppy version I was testing this with, so someone else can check if there is a faster way on PC)
You can start the video below to see this strat in action 🙂
Fun Fact:
You can lower the price so much that you can get it for 4000 🙂
Burning and Cooking

Here you can burn several items and also throw a lot of these items in to the cooking pot – but it dont think there is a real “fastest” method:
Getting flaming mass:
- Dusty old book
- Feather pen
- Business Card
- 1000% Cotton T-Shirt
- T-Shirt
- Map
Yeah you can sorta drop some items by just burning them all, but most of them are gone after you get to Part 3…so burn whatever you want to.
You can also throw all of these items into the cooking-pot except of the Map (so no Deadend possible, you can always get the flamming mass)
Blowing up the dam:
One of my favorite puzzles, just because it was so awesome to find out as a kid you can solve this in a lot of different ways:
So what can you do:
- Open the spyglass and use the lense with the sun
- Get the Rock (if you look at it its flint)
The Rock works with every steel item so we can use the following items:
- Spyglass
- Canonball
- Magnetic Compass
- Stable Remover
So the fastes solutions would be to not get the canonball and the spyglass at the fort and just use the compass or stapel remover to blow up the dam.
We should avoid spending to much time in the fort to not meet Herman and have to talk to him, so gettting only the rope and the gunpowder would be best.
Alright thats all I am aware of are there more of these kind of puzzles?