Added a new java guide to fix the error message ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Added new ressources for “Monkey Island 2: LeChucks Revenge”
– List of all correct answers dealing with Elaine (English/Deutsch)
Added new ressources for “DuckTales: The Quest for Gold”
– New Map with all photography locations
Added some ressources for “The Adventures of Willy Beamish”
– What telephone numbers do I have to dial?
– What is the code for the sewage controls?
– How to solve the railway maze?
While speedrunning The Settlers I have drawn some Maps to reveal all the resources you can find in the first 9 Levels.
You can take a look at them by clicking on the link below:
Look at Maps
This originated on the board of Monkey Island.
It is a short discussion about optimizing the game by trying to solve some of the puzzles with a different approach.
So the original Post was my own, so I will post it here again.
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